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Acidic order of Halogens- hydrogen halides acidc strength

Acids are the substance which can donate  Hydrogen ions in solution or the substance which accept electrons . But now the question is how to know which acid is more acidic and which one is less .    For this you have to understand that Strong acid can easily donate H+ This state is valid for the molecules having Hydrogen atom in their molecules . acidic order/ Strength of halogens ( Hydrogen halides ) Hydrogen halides are the molecules having hydrogen and halide group(Fluorine , Chlorine , Bromine and Iodine ) .Bond length between Hydrogen halides increases down the group due to increase in the size of halide atom .  Increasing order of bond length : HI >HBr >HCl> HF Due to increase in bond length , bond strength become weaker down the group . Order of Bond strength : HF >HCl >HBr> HI It means that Hydrogen Iodide(HI) can easily donate proton ( due to weak bond ) into the solution and therefore it is most acidic hydrogen halide  whereas Flourine due to  strong hydrog
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