Intermediate is an unstable compound formed during a chemical reaction . This intermediate is very unstable and get converted into product as soon as it forms . Reaction intermediate forms in one step of a chemical reaction and get converted into product in the next step . There are basically four types of reaction intermediates in organic chemistry ◆Carbocation ◆carbanion ◆free radical ◆carbene Carbocation Carbocation is an intermediate in which carbon atom carries a positive charge . Carbocation is obtained during heterolytic fission. Heterolytic fission is defined as break down of covalent bond in such a way that more electronegative atom attract both the electrons . Carbocation is formed when more electronegative atom is directly attached to carbon atom during fission . Carbocations are sp2 hybridized having trigonal planar geometry Stability of carbocation depends on how easily electron density of carbocation can be increased . More the electron donati...
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