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Most acidic Substance in the world-Most acidic compound

Which is the most acidic compound or Substance ? This question is difficult to answer because for this we have to find the acidic strength of all the compounds which are found or exist in nature..But don't worry , we have answer for this question..

First understand which compound is called as  acid

Acid are those compound which can easily donate their H+ ion , easily accept an electron pair and show high resonance stabilization . 

All this points have to consider while determine the acidic strength of a compound.

After considering all this factors , it has been found that the most acidic compound is  Fluoroantimonic Acid . It's also considered as a Super Acid

Super Acids are acids with acidic strength or acidity greater than 100% pure sulphuric acid

Fluoroantimonic Acid is an inorganic  compound having Chemical formula H2SbF7.It is  prepared by reacting Hydrogen Fluoride(HF)and antimony pentachloride(SbF5) in 2 : 1 ratio .

It is 10 quadrillion times more acidic than sulphuric acid (H2SO4-also called as king of Chemistry). 

First of all understand that pH of sulphuric acid is about  1 and pH value of Fluoroantimonic Acid is -31 . This acid can burn your skin and can cause serious damage . Then what about a Chemical(Fluoroantimonic Acid) which is 10 quadrillion times stronger acidic than sulphuric acid . I can't imagine the pain when this superacid accidentally fell on someone's skin..

Almost nothing can store this Chemical because it's highly reactive and corrosive in nature . The only Substance in which it can be placed safely is Teflon also called as Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) .

Being more corrosive , toxic and dangerous super acid , Fluoroantimonic Acid is mostly used to convert any hydrocarbon to carbonation .

So , these are some interesting facts about most acidic compound in the world . If still have any suggestions and doubts then please , comment .

Thanks !!!


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